

Techno Cultural Club is organizing web designing contest - Creators for the GBU students from in School of Information and Communication Technology (SOICT). A perfect opportunity for students to showcase their Excellent Web Desgining skills.

There are 2 Rounds.

ROUND 1 : Problem Statement will be given to you and you have to create the website on your own.
ROUND 2 : More Specifications and Requirements will be given to you for the Designing of Website.

Register Now


  1. Registration Fees Rs 30/- per team.
  2. Team Size : 2-3 Members (max : 3).
  3. Prizes for Best Women Team.
  4. Prizes/Goodies and Achievement Certificates for Top 3 Winners.
  5. Participation Certificates for All.
  6. Submissions will be done online.
  7. Appreciation Certificates for Top 10-15 positions.
  8. Attendance will be given on the days of evaluation to those
    who will register and submit their work on time.


  • Achievement Certificates & Cash Prizes for students securing Top Positions in Hackathon.
  • Excellence Certificates and Consolation Prizes for Top 5 position in Hackathon other than winners.
  • Completion Certificates for all the attendees who will complete this Hackathon and submit their work.
  • Virtual Badges of different colors will be given to the good Performers on a weekly / task basis.
  • You will get a chance to be a part of Awareness Sessions , organized by National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM), organization of Government of India for which you will be getting Certificates by the Government of India.
  • Ranking will be given to all on a task basis.
  • Winners of each level and different *task completion will get Appreciation Certificates & rewards after completion of their work & this hackathon.